
Monday, April 19th: Post 31

👉Today is Monday, April 19th 👉It is a ______ and ______ day.
👉Let's learn about plants! 👉Science book p. 12 and 13 1. READ & THINK
Trees, grasses and bushes are all plants. Flowers, leaves roots and fruit are parts of a plant.
Read and complete the sentences with CAN or CAN'T. 👉 a) Plants ___________ make their own food. b) Plants ___________ move around. c) Plants ___________ move some of their parts. d) Seeds ___________grow into new plants. Looking after living things 2. Look at the photos and answer the questions. a) Which actions are good for living things? b) Which actions are bad for living things? 👉ANSWERS
2.a) __________________________. b) __________________________.
3. Read this sentences and write nutririon, interaction and reproduction. a) The roots of a plant grow towards water. b) Plants make their own food. c) Many plants make seeds. d) Plants need, sunlight, air, water and soil.

4. Copy in your copybook and complete the pictures.

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