
Monday, September 13th: Post 95

✎Today is Monday, September 13th
✎It is a _____and _____day.

(p. 6 and 7)
Read and answer exe. 1,2,4 and 5

Global English: Pages 26, 29 and 30
Read the following memories, then talk about them.

Now, wrtie a memory of your own!
Check how to go about it!

1. Lets talk about your last birthday. Answer the following questions orally:
1. When was your birthday and when did you celebrate it?
2. Where did you celebrate it?
3. Who was invited to your party?
4.  How did you celebrate it?
5. What did you eat?
6. What was your cake like?
7. Did you have a good time?

2. Write about your last birthday.
First, look at the example (👇), then answer the questions in a paragraph using the words in the box to help you.


👀Now, check how every question was answered, but the memory is written as a text, using sentences, a capital letter to start, commas to pause and stops to finish the idea (and continue to the next one).👀

1. When was your birthday and when did you celebrate it?
My birthday was on October 14th, I celebrated it the same day, as it was on a weekend.

2. Where did you celebrate it?
I organized a party at home. 

3. Who was invited to your party?
I invited all my friends and  family and luckily everybody was able to come.

4.  How did you celebrate it?
The birthday started at 9pm, we had dinner, we listened to music and also danced. 

5. What did you eat?
For dinner, we had delicious snacks, sandwiches and ice cream for dessert. 

6. What was your cake like?
The cake was enormous, it was made of chocolate and strawberries, it was the best cake I ever had!

7. Did you have a good time?
I spent a wonderful time, I enjoyed the party and danced a lot. 

👧👦Ready to write your happy memory? Lets go!👧👦


💡Remember to answer the questions, in order and as a paragraph, just like in the example!

💡You can also take ideas from the example.

💡It's a good idea to plan your writing.


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