
Today is Friday, November 26th

 ⭐Today is Friday, November 26th

⭐It is a _____and _____day 👕🩳

⭐Yesterday was Thursday 

⭐Tomorrow will be Saturday 🙌🏼

💡ANCIENT GREECE: History of Olympic Games

The first Olympics & the importance of the Chariots.

💡 Arts & Crafts

Let's make a Laurel Wreath! 👼


 A plastic or styrofoam plate
 A pair of scissors
 Green paper


1) Cut the centre of the plate to make a letter C. ✂
2) Cut out paper leaves. 🍂
3) Stick the leaves on the plate to make the crown. 👍

💡Values ✨

💖Great work!💖

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