
Today is Friday, December 3rd

 ⭐Today is Friday, December 3rd

⭐It is a _____and _____day 👕🩳

⭐Yesterday was Thursday 

⭐Tomorrow will be Saturday 🙌🏼

💡 Let's read!

💡ANCIENT ROME: Architecture

💡 Let's read!

💡Arts & crafts

👉Pop up colosseum

❤ Markers and pencils
❤ Coloured chalks
❤ Coloured cardboard paper
❤ A pair of scissors
❤ Glue


1. Print and colour the Colosseum.

2. Cut out the colosseum.

3. Fold the cardbord paper to make a card. Make two cuts on it.

4. Use the chalk to draw on a black paper. Then cut and stick it on the card. 

5. Stick the Colosseum and write.


👉Roman Paper doll

Cut out, stick and create your own paper doll. 

💖Great work!💖

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